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price comparison

Price comparison: What will €320,000 buy me around Kildare?

Including a a spacious Newbridge four-bed and a one-bed duplex on the grounds of The K Club.

IN THE CURRENT high-demand property market, it’s tough to get a sense of what exactly your money is worth. We’re here to make things simpler.

Each week, we handpick a number of homes within a similar budget in one location, to give you a snapshot of the property landscape at a set price point.

This week, we’re looking at properties around Kildare with an asking price of exactly €320,000 – including a sizeable four-bed with plenty of green space in Newbridge, and a one-bed duplex on the grounds of The K Club.

Newbridge: Four-bed detached

Measuring an impressive 1657 sq ft (154 sq m), 162 Roseberry Hill would make an ideal purchase for a growing family. Two of the four bedrooms here have en suite bathrooms, including the master bedroom, which also has a walk-in wardrobe and a balcony. Outside, an extra large garden offers plenty of space for playing, relaxing and dining al fresco.

Roseberry Hill is located within walking distance of Newbridge town centre, for easy access to shops, schools bars and restaurants. The local train station is a short walk away, and for last-minute groceries, there’s a Centra just a one-minute stroll from Number 162.

ZTBjNGI0OTdmYmI5ZDcyYzcyNjQxMmM3NTM5YjRhNmUv6K0_syWuoMm8OlBAVX8maHR0cHM6Ly9zMy1ldS13ZXN0LTEuYW1hem9uYXdzLmNvbS9tZWRpYW1hc3Rlci1zM2V1LzIvNS8yNWEzZTIwNGI2NmE5MTdkMzRlM2QxMmJlZmUwMzBkNC5qcGd8fHwxMjAwfHx8fHx8fA== Daft Daft

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The K Club, Straffan: One-bed duplex

Located on the grounds of the five-star K Club resort, 601 The Fountain Courtyard would suit downsizers or anyone looking for the quiet life. As the address suggests, this one-bedroom property is accessed via a peaceful courtyard with landscaped greenery.

Rooms here are spread over two storeys and comprise an open plan living/dining area, a kitchen with a small utility room, a bedroom and a spacious en suite bathroom. You’ll find The K Club’s golf and spa facilities just a short walk away, with plenty of walking trails in and around the resort grounds.

ZWQ0MzhkYzdkZWVhODYyMDExOTcwNGU2ODY4M2Y5ZmR7fcGqV4muIEX-kZptlRufaHR0cHM6Ly9zMy1ldS13ZXN0LTEuYW1hem9uYXdzLmNvbS9tZWRpYW1hc3Rlci1zM2V1L2EvYS9hYWI1ZjE1ZDIwYmM5NmQ0YmU3NTEwOWIyNjgzMjk1OC5qcGd8fHx8fHwxNDQweDk2MHx8fHw= Daft Daft

NzQ1NmI0OWYwZWRiMWI2NTJmMjU5ZTU0YTVmNjM0M2QpBCpYSDjkGS12biv7xJttaHR0cHM6Ly9zMy1ldS13ZXN0LTEuYW1hem9uYXdzLmNvbS9tZWRpYW1hc3Rlci1zM2V1L2UvYS9lYWM3ZjJiNjRhMDZmNmZlNDI2M2E3MzZkZDk1ZmEyMi5qcGd8fHwxMjAwfHx8fHx8fA== Daft Daft

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Naas: Three-bed semi-detached

Naas’s stretch of the Grand Canal is just a short walk from 30 New Caragh Court, a three-bed semi-detached home. Downstairs is a living room with plenty of natural light from a bay window, a dining room with an archway into the kitchen, patio doors opening to the rear garden and a utility/laundry room.

Upstairs you’ll find all three bedrooms, including the generous master bedroom with an en suite bathroom. There’s also a family bathroom on this floor. If you’re working from home right now, the bright attic conversion would make a quiet office or studio space.

OWIxZTc1NjQyMWIxM2U1MmE2N2FiNGU2ZDQ0NGI5MmWdBfDrwr62UC9aVw-FPkrqaHR0cHM6Ly9zMy1ldS13ZXN0LTEuYW1hem9uYXdzLmNvbS9tZWRpYW1hc3Rlci1zM2V1L2IvYy9iYzU1NGMzNjQxMDE3NWJiNTZkYzMzOGFlZDMxMjBkZi5qcGd8fHx8fHwxNDQweDk2MHx8fHw= Daft Daft

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Newbridge: Three-bed detached with attic conversion

Sitting just outside Newbridge’s town centre is The Meadows, a family-friendly development with plenty of shared green space. Number 17 is a three-bed, with an attic conversion that currently serves as a fourth bedroom.

The property comprises a living room, open plan kitchen/diner, a downstairs WC, three bedrooms with one en suite bathroom, a family bathroom and the attic conversion on the top level. A small room off the attic is currently used as an office/storage area, while out the back is a large and sunny garden.

OTg5YmYwNzg1MTJhMDExNmVkODU5YmE1ODM3Y2U4YzZpYRCF-afp1eU2tn1EKGfoaHR0cHM6Ly9zMy1ldS13ZXN0LTEuYW1hem9uYXdzLmNvbS9tZWRpYW1hc3Rlci1zM2V1L2YvYy9mYzA3OTM1M2VmMjgyMmY0MTA4OWI2ODdiZDlkZTViYy5qcGd8fHx8fHwxNDQweDk2MHx8fHw= Daft Daft

YTE4NjQxNDM2YmQwMWNkN2UyZWM5NmNlZmI2OWY0NmGK5q6y6dL3LMpyP1Bs7awQaHR0cHM6Ly9zMy1ldS13ZXN0LTEuYW1hem9uYXdzLmNvbS9tZWRpYW1hc3Rlci1zM2V1LzMvNS8zNWMyNWI5ZTA0NjUxZTBlODRhY2NjNDI4MDJiMjJiYS5qcGd8fHwxMjAwfHx8fHx8fA== Daft Daft

OTY3NTExZTUyYWY0MWQ5MDc0ZjI3YzY5OWNjMDgwZTOagKD4nsbDwimjajtt0t4raHR0cHM6Ly9zMy1ldS13ZXN0LTEuYW1hem9uYXdzLmNvbS9tZWRpYW1hc3Rlci1zM2V1L2QvZi9kZjUzNTJlYTdhODMyN2Y2Zjk5MDQwOTc3ODk3MTdkMi5qcGd8fHwxMjAwfHx8fHx8fA== Daft Daft

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Last week: What will €450,000 buy me around Clare?>

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